March 10, 2017 2 Translation missing: en.blogs.article.read_time

Yoga For Men is happy to announce that Kristy Robinson, the incredible Yoga trainer to elite athletes, will be a featured trainer on our new live & on-demand yoga channel!

Kristy Robinson: Featured Instructor

Growing up, Kristy Robinson was obsessed with sports from an early age. She was a three-sport varsity letterman in her hometown just outside of Pittsburgh, PA. She went on to become a sports reporter covering the Pittsburgh Pirates - her favorite team as a kid.

After four years as a high-pressured journalist caught between the battle of print vs. the web, Kristy took a step back to focus on herself, her health, and her happiness.

Yoga Helped

When the dust settled on her journalism career, she was forced to face down her eating disorder. For 10 years, she took the stress and anxieties of life out entirely on herself. A friend suggested she try Yoga to regain her health. When she did, she found that yoga brought her so much more.

A Life Changed

Kristy found herself with her Yoga practice. On the physical side of things, she gained strength, mobility, and confidence. On the emotional side, her practice and meditation helped her overcome her eating disorder and cultivate a sense of self love.

For her, the practice of Yoga was so profound, she changed everything. She became a Yoga instructor, focused her career on helping the athletes she had followed all her life as a fan and journalist, and she moved to St Petersburg, Florida.

Live & On-Demand Classes

Kristy will be a featured instructor on the Yoga For Men streaming channel, where you can enjoy her classes Live & On-Demand on our streaming Yoga channel.

LEARN MORE about YFM Live & On Demand Classes

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