Yoga for Veterans - Options Beyond the Study

You have reached this page either because you have chosen not to participate in Prospective Cohort Study of Yoga and Mindfulness for Psychological and Physical Wellness, or because your situation does not fit the eligibility requirements as established by the USF College of Public Health, however, this does not mean that you cannot participate in the Yoga for Veterans program.

You have two options:

  1. You have already been added to a list of people who want access to the program but who don’t qualify for the study. If you remain on this list, funding may become available for you to receive the program free of charge. When such a time comes, you will automatically be notified by email.
  2. If you prefer not to wait, you can purchase the program and begin immediately by following this link:

Helpful Veteran-centered Resources

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Veterans

     1-800-273-TALK  (Veterans Press 1)

Department of Veteran’s Affairs “Where to Get Help”

Department of Veteran’s Affairs PTSD Program Locator

SAMHSA Mental Health Facilities Locator

SAMHSA Veterans & Family Resources

Defense Centers for Excellence for Psychological Health & Traumatic Brain Injury

Military OneSource

VA Facilities Locator – Searchable Database

Vet Centers

List of Veteran Service Organizations

YfM Yoga for Veterans Study Partners

Exalted Warrior YogaJoined Forces YogaMala for VetsMission Om FoundationVeterans AlternativeVeterans Yoga ProjectWarriors for Healing