March 11, 2017 1 Translation missing: en.blogs.article.read_time

Yoga for Men has partnered with the University of South Florida College of Public Health to help conduct a clinical study on the effects of yoga and mindfulness on veterans and active duty military personnel. As part of this study, veterans and active duty personnel have the opportunity to receive free yoga, meditation, and mindfulness classes for a year.

There is already a large waiting list that is growing steadily, and we are raising the funds to put everyone through the study. Please visit the link above to make a contribution. We’d appreciate it if you would share this video with your family, friends, and social network.

If you know of any veterans or active duty personnel, men or women, from any country, who might benefit from free on-line yoga, meditation, mindfulness, tai chi, educational materials, and more, please share this video and send them to

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